Donate Now

Click the button below to donate through PayPal:

Or, scan the QR code below to donate through PayPal:

We also welcome donations through CanadaHelps. Click below to donate and make a dog’s life better!

Want to make a donation but not sure what to get?

We have a Wishlist on Amazon for shopping convenience that will ship right to our dogs! Donation receipts can be provided upon request.

You can also send an e-transfer to the following email:

Any donation $20 or above will be issued a tax receipt.

Have some empties? We also take donations through Skip the Depot Recycling Pick-Up!

You can also donate a car through Donate A Car Canada:

ATB Cares makes it easy for all Albertans to support the causes they care about. Select the non-profit you would like to donate to, and make a donation through this secure platform. Donors will receive tax receipts where applicable.  
